
sometimes just a little something is better than too much….xoxo

June – first trip to Oregon

click me to see more pictures!

(Click the image for more pictures!)

Yeah, I worked very hard since I just came back from Oregon yesterday, and spent few hours to organize, process, and create an album on flickr for our oregon trip, (so proud of myself!!!!)  but all of the pictures are taken in Cannon Beach, none of these is from Portland.  I just didn’t get the right accent to photograph the city, but Portland is the best place for shopping for sure! They had tons of good deal and stuff, and NO TAX on everything! so end up the trip,  I got two shoes and bought some nice kits for my fancy fifthy!  and think about it, who will carry a huge DSLR while you go shopping..

Overall, Nice trip, I have to say. It was a over-expect, unforgettable and relax trip I have had. We will go back to the beach for sure.. : )  Please feel free to click the collage to see more photos on my album, the pictures looks good, but trust me, you really need to be there and experience the beauty of Cannon beach in person. It’s unbelievable!

Next destination, Jasper and Banff in Alberta.  We will take the train to Jasper and drive to Banff, back to Vancouver at next Monday.  So, see you later!


所以, 從這篇開始, 我會努力寫出中英文的雙語blog…原因是我同事跟一些外國朋友跟我抱怨,  “看不懂妳寫啥!但很想知道!“ … 這, 有點麻煩, 但是就當作順便練習一下英文好了..  而且我的英文很白話文, 哈哈。有需要更改文法的歡迎大家指點啊。

話說我們昨天才從oregon回來, 還沒休息夠, 我就將照片通通整理出來。原因是我怕之後我會整個累翻, 然後會一直偷懶, 一直拖拖, 拖到明年我都還沒把照片弄出來。所以趁著興致還高昂的時候趕弄一弄, 整個弄好後, 很替自己驕傲啊…..  嘻!

照片不多, 但是都是從cannon beach照來的。 在portland的時候我只顧著逛街, 根本沒想到照相這件事情。畢竟我安排這個portland行程最主要就是買我的lens跟flash給我的小五d… 不但價錢比溫哥華便宜, 更不用加稅!讓我省了至少有將近五百多加幣。開心!至於cannon beach 的美妙之處, 請按下上面的圖片, 便會連結到我的flickr相本。裡面有可以看圖說故事, 我寫遊記不太寫很多字, 畢竟圖片還是最快的表達方法。 更何況, 太多字, 宋老大會抱怨…! 哈。

如果有機會, 大家都該去體驗看看cannon beach, 那是一個很小很小的靠山鄰海的城鎮, 但充滿了很多意想不到的美景。而且還可以順路去portland逛街, 一舉兩得! : D

下一站,  Jasper and Banff in Alberta, 明天出發 下禮拜一回來, 希望那裡天氣可以好一點, 然後一切順利平安回到家。

3 responses to “June – first trip to Oregon

  1. Mandy Kuo June 21, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    I really like Oregon. The coastal scene is just phenomenal

  2. 攝影旅者 September 19, 2014 at 7:03 pm


    As for your English, there are so many to deal with.Generally speaking, Taiwanese always try to use long sentences. However, it is wrong to start with long sentences. What you need to do is to write short sentence, and try to add more details with that single sentence. (Don’t just simply combine 2 or more sentences together) For example:
    “I like Oregon” -> “I really like Oregon, a state of green lands and beautiful beaches.”

    You need to have something between sentences in order to guide people through your meaning. That is to say, you need to use multiple simple sentences with “So”, “However”, “Nevertheless”, “Furthermore”, “Also”, and so on.


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